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Dialogue with young climate strike leaders, scientists, economists around concrete proposals Empty Dialogue with young climate strike leaders, scientists, economists around concrete proposals

Mar 15 Oct - 15:02
3 solutions to finance the Green Deal
Proposals to scale up EU ambitions and obtain financial guarantees to win the climate battle
Dialogue with young climate strike leaders, scientists, economists around concrete proposals
Are the responses from EU policymakers commensurate with the climate challenge?
Are the promises for a Green Deal and a Climate law enough to win the climate battle? Is there sufficient serious commitment to allocate enough budgetary and financial resources to make the Green Deal a success?
The Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats fought hard and obtained strong commitments from Ursula von der Leyen, including a Green Deal, a Climate Law and a Climate Bank.
But so far the resources allocated are far from enough to make the Green Deal a success.
Date : 16 October, 1:30 until 4:30 pm in the European Parliament, Brussels, Room PHS3C50
Registration compulsory for outside participants before 14 October:
Translation will be ensured in French, English and Spanish
The climate investment needs are evaluated at 1 115 billion € per year (European Court of Auditors) but so far Ursula von der Leyen only committed maximum 116 additional billion € per year (Climate bank + Sustainable Investment fund).
On 19 September, our Group asked Ursula von der Leyen for additional guarantees for enough budgetary resources.
On 16 October, we invite in the European Parliament young climate strikers, leading experts in climate science, economics and law, to explore concrete solutions and specify what additional guarantees are needed for enough budgetary resources to make the Green Deal win the climate battle, before the new Commission is installed.
We will talk about concrete solutions to face the historical climate challenge, including the ones already promoted for a long time by Teresa Ribera, Josep Borrel, Miguel Moratinos, Laurent Fabius, Enrico Letta, Karl Falkenberg, Denis MacShane and many others : a concrete plan called the “Climate-Employment Pact”, which is capable of mobilising 400 billion € per year for climate investment and create more than 5 million jobs without taxing common citizens.
Signatories of the invitation :
Klára Dobrev, Vice-President of the European Parliament;
Margarida Marques, MEP from Portugal, Vice-Chair BUDG ;
Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, MEP from Portugal, Vice-Chair IMCO ;
Domènec Ruiz Devesa, MEP from Spain, AFCO ;
Pierre Larrouturou, MEP from France, shadow rapporteur on Budget 2020 ;
Elisabetta Gualmini, MEP from Italy, BUDG ;
Sàndor Rónai, MEP from Hungary, ENVI ;
Delara Burkhardt, MEP from Germany, ENVI ;
Jude Kirton-Darling, MEP from the UK, PETI ;
Mohammed Chahim, MEP from the Netherlands, ENVI ;
Maria Arena, MEP from Belgium, Chair DROI ;
Marc Tarabella, MEP from Belgium, DEVE.
With the support of Notre Europe - Institut Jacques Delors and FEPS
Program :
1.30 pm        Welcome and introduction: Climate emergency
-          Iratxe Garcia-Perez, President of the S&D group
-          Representative, Fridays for Future, Spain
-          Domènec Ruiz Devesa, MEP from Spain, AFCO
-          Pierre Larrouturou, MEP shadow rapporteur S&D on Budget 2020
-          Virgile Mouquet, Jeunes pour le climat, France
1.55 pm        3 solutions to finance the Green Deal
-          Rebecca Thissen, Belgian Climate Coalition, Member of Climate Action Network Europe
-          Timothée Galvaire, Fairosene ECI
-          Wendel Trio, Climate Action Network Europe,
2.10 pm        The word of the experts
-          Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Climatologist, former VP of IPCC
-          Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize of Economy (TBC)
-          Olivier de Schutter, Professor of Law, former UN Special Rapporteur
-          Karl Falkenberg, former DG for environment, European Commission
2.30 pm        Round-table : a new project for Europe ?
-          Teresa Ribera, Spanish Minister for Ecological Transition  
-          Michal Kurtyka, Polish Minister for Climate (video)
-          Maria Joao Rodrigues, Chair of the  PES Financial and Economic Network
-          Monseigneur Bruno-Marie Duffé, Advisor of Pope Francis for climate  
-          László Andor, former Commissioner for Employment and inclusion, and Secretary General of the FEPS 
2.45 pm        They support these solutions - short videos
-          Cristina Narbona, President, PSOE, Spain
-          Elio Di Rupo, President, PS, Belgium
-          Josep Borrel, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spain
-          Laurent Fabius, Former Prime Minister (S&D) and President, COP 21, France
-          Alain Juppé, Former Prime Minister (EPP), France
-          Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Renew MEP
-          Philippe Lamberts, MEP, President of the Greens group
2.50 pm        Round-table : how to provoke a scaling up of ambitions ?
-          Geneviève Pons, Director, Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors 
-          Rudy de Leeuw, former President, European Trade Union Confederation
-          Laura Sullivan, Director,,
3.10 pm        Action !
-          2 representatives from Fridays for Future from UK and Germany
-          Alícia Homs, President of the Young European Socialists and MEP from Spain (TBC)
-          Delara Burkhardt, MEP from Germany, ENVI
-          Klára Dobrev, Vice-President of the European Parliament
-          Margarida Marques, MEP from Portugal, Vice-Chair BUDG
-          Elisabetta Gualmini, MEP from Italy, BUDG
-          Delara Burkhardt, MEP from Germany, ENVI
-          Jude Kirton-Darling, MEP from the UK, PETI
3.20 pm        Action !
-          Domènec Ruiz Devesa, MEP from Spain, AFCO & Pierre Larrouturou, MEP from France ;
-          Greta Thunberg or Adélaïde Charlier et Anuna De Wever by video (TBC)
The conference itself will end at 3.30 and will be followed by a networking time from 3.30 to 4.30 pm.
Speakers will be available for interviews.
Registration is compulsory for people who need an accreditation to access the European Parliament building, at the latest before 14 October, via this link :
For participants who don’t need an accreditation to enter the European Parliament, please register via this link :
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