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Gilles Roman
Gilles Roman
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2015

Airbus to deliver U.S.-completed commercial aircraft with Sustainable Aviation Fuel Empty Airbus to deliver U.S.-completed commercial aircraft with Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Mer 22 Sep - 12:19
Airbus will start delivering all aircraft from  its U.S. Manufacturing Facility in Mobile, Alabama with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) on board later this year. The initiative is a further step toward fulfilling Airbus’ commitment to carbon-neutral growth in the aviation sector.

Airbus to deliver U.S.-completed commercial aircraft with Sustainable Aviation Fuel Bcc325c7-48cc-41bb-a94b-76c570ad882f
Airbus has reached an agreement with Signature Flight Support to supply SAF to its Mobile facility. No later than November 2021, all aircraft delivered to customers will be powered by a blend of SAF and conventional jet fuel. Signature Flight Support is working in partnership with World Energy to provide the U.S.-sourced SAF to Airbus.
“Delivering our Mobile-produced aircraft with SAF is an important, iterative step toward solving the carbon challenge,” said Jeff Knittel, Chairman and CEO of Airbus Americas, Inc. “SAF is a positive contributor to enhanced sustainability in aviation since it enables up to an 80% reduction of CO2 across the fuel lifecycle.  We are committed to making sustainable fuels an everyday reality with use on an increasingly larger scale, and this announcement is further evidence of that.”
From its U.S. Manufacturing Facility in Mobile, Alabama, Airbus delivers both A220 and A320 Family aircraft to U.S.-based customers. Since 2016, the company has delivered more than 260 Airbus aircraft from Mobile -- 54 of which have been turned over to airlines in 2021 alone.
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