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Gilles Roman
Gilles Roman
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2015
UN Migration Agency, World Bank Strengthen Cooperation to Better Address Development and Humanitarian Challenges

Geneva – IOM, the UN Migration Agency, and the World Bank Friday (11/05) prepared to sign two new framework agreements that will facilitate easy access of IOM’s expertise to Governments implementing projects with World Bank funding.
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Homeless Afghans newly returned from Pakistan camp
in harsh conditions in Nangarhar province. Photo: IOM

Displacement Survey Shows 3.5 Million Internally Displaced, Returnees from Abroad in 15 Afghan Provinces

Posted on Fri. May 11, 2018
Kabul – One in six people is either a returnee or an internally displaced person (IDP) in the 15 Afghan provinces of Baghlan, Balkh, Farah, Herat, Kabul, Kandahar, Khost, Kunar, Kunduz, Laghman, Logar, Nangarhar, Nimroz, Paktya, and Takhar, according to the third round of IOM’s Afghanistan’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Baseline Mobility Assessment.
IOM DG Launches Chinese Edition of World Migration Report 2018
Posted on Fri. May 11, 2018

Beijing – IOM Director General William Lacy Swing this week launched the Chinese language edition of IOM’s flagship publication: The World Migration Report 2018.
The report aims to make sense of migration in an increasingly interconnected world.  It presents key data and evidence on migration, both at regional and national levels, as well as providing evidence-based analysis of complex emerging issues.
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Samir: "Everything has an end, bad times and good times, no matter who you are. Enjoy being alone. Don't be afraid of your own company."
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  • China Plus reported that China has become the world’s fourth biggest out-migration country after India, Mexico, and Russia, according to the recently released 2018 World Migration Report by IOM and the Center for China and Globalization.
  • Reuters reported on the plight of Cameroonian girls who sell sex to survive after fleeing Boko Haram.
  • TASR reported that IOM’s Migration Information Centre will begin another round of free Slovak language lessons for foreigners coming from outside the EU in Bratislava and Košice, Slovakia.
  • Sputnik and ANSA reported that the United Nations is calling for more protection from people smugglers for migrants entering Yemen.
  • The News Agency of Nigeria reported that the European Union Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, has pledged to continue to partner with Nigeria through multidimensional engagement, to promote democratic governance.
  • Anadolu Agency and New Europe reported that Turkey continues to provide top care and protection to more than 3 million Syrian refugees in the country, but needs greater burden sharing in managing the Syrian refugee crisis, attendees of a UK parliamentary event heard on May 9.
  • Euractiv reported that refugee flows through Greece’s land borders have started rising again, causing frustration among EU and Greek authorities.
  • Xinhua reported that UNHCR said on Thursday 72,000 Burundian refugees will be repatriated from Tanzania between April 5 and December 31, this year.
  • Sudan Tribune reported that the Sudanese army has arrested human traffickers holding 231 people in Gaili Forest, on the eastern plains of Butana, Gedaref State, said the official news agency SUNA on Tuesday.
  • Reuters reported that the number of Salvadorans deported from the United States and Mexico fell 38 per cent in the first three months of 2018, IOM said on Tuesday, a decline that coincided with the ending of the Salvadorans’ temporary protected status.
  • Prensa Libre/EFE (in Spanish) reported that Guatemala registered a 48 per cent rise in returnees from Mexico and the United States during the first quarter of 2018, IOM reported Tuesday.
  • The UK’s Conservative Home ran an op-ed noting that tackling modern slavery needs action at home as well as abroad.

  • These Football Times reported about Vladimir Petkovic, a Bosnian-Herzegovinian migrant who now manages Switzerland’s national football team.
  • The Conversation published an op-ed which looks at how technical innovations could improve lives of people in refugee camps.
  • Bangladesh’s The Independent  and Dhaka Courier reported about the launch of “Art Against Genocide”, the first substantive publication in Bangladesh on the ongoing Rohingya crisis, documenting the ordeals of the Rohingya through art accompanying expert deliberations.
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