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Date d'inscription : 29/05/2007

New York Action Summit : NGO, Saving Our Planet Empty New York Action Summit : NGO, Saving Our Planet

Ven 13 Sep - 14:17
LYFtvNews (EN):

New York Action Summit : NGO, Saving Our Planet Titled-1
NGO, Saving Our Planet, Aims 10-Point CO2 Reduction Plan at UNFCCC New York Action Summit
There’s a global climate emergency!
How will the UNFCCC fulfil its mission to stabilise Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
Timed to precede the upcoming UNFCCC Climate Action Summit in New York on September 23rd, 2019, the international NGO’s sixth and latest ‘Point of View’ details ten highly practical ways for the UNFCCC to drive action to reduce CO2 emissions.
United Kingdom – On 23rd September 2019, the world’s eyes will be on New York City as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) sits down for the Climate Action Summit.
The summit is to raise ambition and increase climate action, in line with reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45% over the next 10 years and to net zero emissions by 2050.
International NGO, Saving Our Planet, has already put the plan together – as part of their sixth and latest ‘Point of View’ document, available for free to the public. The organization is now working hard to catch the UNFCCC’s attention ahead of the summit.
Among the document’s ten-point action plan, are the following:

  • Persuading the rest of the United Nations’ member countries to follow France and the UK in a commitment to achieving Net Zero Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG’s) by 2050. It’s expected that 24 EU countries and 17 member countries of the Carbon Neutrality Coalition are willing to commit, but the pressure is now on existing members to work 1:1 to ensure this happens


  • Responsibility for the UNFCCC to convince ALL parties to address the current climate emergency with actions and incentives calculated to reduce GHGs. This must include not only national governments, but also local government, businesses, non-government organisations, communities and individuals


  • Pressure on the UNFCCC to insist on a global fossil fuel reduction programme with year-on-year decreasing use, starting immediately, with an end-date to stop burning fossil fuels altogether


  • The introduction of global financial disincentives on coal, oil, and gas; introducing carbon pricing at the source, via a global scheme both administered and regulated by the UNFCCC


  • Lobbying for the UNFCCC to redouble efforts to stop deforestation, with the help of every nation which is serious about achieving Net Zero GHG emissions


  • Encouraging tree planting on a mass scale, administered at the Government level – as well as empowerment to individuals to offset their own carbon footprint via the planting of trees


  • Providing backup for wind and solar energy, to provide maximum production that accounts for windless and cloudy days, all with zero CO2 emissions. 

The plan’s over-riding goal matches with Saving Our Planet’s own mandate – to encourage, educate and empower both individuals and Governments to work together to stop environmental degradation.
To read in full, download the latest Point of View, here:
About Saving Our Planet:
Saving Our Planet is an International NGO registered in France as Charity Number W751235109. See
Our mission is to inspire, energize and enable the entire community of humans to work together to save the planet, and to convince World Leaders to make the fight against climate change their number one priority.
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