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Date d'inscription : 10/02/2017

The thoughts of the Members and staff of the World Travel & Tourism Council are with those affected by the recent Typhoon in Japan. The global Travel & Tourism sector sends its heartfelt sympathy and commiserations to all those affected and a message of condolence to the Government of Japan.
Gloria Guevara, President & CEO of WTTC, expressed the thoughts of everyone:
“On behalf of the World Travel & Tourism Council, I would like to send a warm message of condolence to those affected by Typhoon Hagibis, as well as their families and loved ones. While the Typhoon has now passed, there remains a risk of flooding and landslides, so we urge all travellers to follow the guidelines set by the Government and the Japan National Tourist Organisation.”
“Japan has developed unique skills in coping with natural disasters and is a world leader in crisis prevention. We commend the Government of Japan for their response to the recent typhoon and offer our support in implementing the recovery plan. We are confident that the resilient nature of our sector will support a rapid recovery for the country. Travel & Tourism plays an essential role in the economy of Japan, contributing 7.4% to the nation’s GDP ($367.7BN) and supports over 4.6 million jobs.”
About the World Travel & Tourism Council
World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), is the global body which represents the private sector of Travel & Tourism. Members consist of the leaders of the world’s most important Travel & Tourism companies, destinations, and industry organisations engaging with Travel & Tourism who bring specialist knowledge to guide government policy and decision-making and raise awareness of the importance of the sector.
For almost 30 years, WTTC has quantified the economic impact of the sector in 185 countries. This research consistently shows that Travel & Tourism is a key driver for investment and economic growth globally. The sector contributes US$8.8 trillion or 10.4% of global GDP, and accounts for 319 million jobs or one in ten of all jobs on the planet.
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