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Ce site perçoit des commissions sur les ventes de #laboutiquelyftv (cliquer ICI pour découvrir nos sélections livres, mangas, gaming, musique(s), idées cadeaux... - livraison à domicile)

Gilles Roman
Gilles Roman
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2015
SEPT. 15 - NOV. 10  / PITCH YOUR PROJECT! Submissions for the international pitches are open.
  Fipadoc - CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS INTERNATIONAL PITCHES 09bbb19c-d57d-1b9e-b130-6d0fdc8914aa

FIPADOC is launching a call for documentary projects for the INTERNATIONAL PITCHES session organized during the FIPADOC's Industry Days next edition, in Biarritz, from January 23rd to 26th, 2023. 
The FIPADOC International Pitches sessions will present 24 documentary projects looking for new partners. Selected project teams will pitch to professionals from the wider French documentary industry and international decision makers invited by FIPADOC to move projects forward. The festival will take place on-site, and all pitching teams will have to be physically present.
To prepare teams for their pitch, they will participate in a workshop by international pitching experts before the festival. They will make further connections in pre-arranged one-to-one meetings after the pitching sessions. In January 2022, 60+ decision makers took part in the International sessions, including commissioning editors from France TV, ARTE, Netflix, RTBF, RTS, SVT, Current Times TV, Al Jazeera, ZDF, etc.

Best International Pitch Award with 5,000 € in post-production services by SAYA

Best French Pitch Award with 5,000 € in post-production services by SAYA

LightDox Award : 2,000 € in cash provided by Sales Agent LightDox to support a project with high international potential

Docs Barcelona Award : Selection of one project presented at FIPADOC for the Docs Barcelona Pitching Forum (May 2023)
DOK.fest München Award : Selection of one project presented at FIPADOC for the DOK.fest München Pitching Forum (May 2023)
Lau Haizetara Award:  Selection of one project presented at FIPADOC for the Lau Haizetara Documentary Pitching Forum (San Sebastian International Film Festival, September 2023).
Film makers from Ukraine and the 2023 Focus territories (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland) can submit for free. Please, contact for a waiver.

Application deadline: November 10th, 2022.

The festival itself will take place from January 20th to 28th.
To know everything about the eligibility criteria, please read our rules, HERE
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