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Date d'inscription : 26/10/2022

The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) celebrates its 10th anniversary this October at the Level Up! festival in Brussels  Empty The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) celebrates its 10th anniversary this October at the Level Up! festival in Brussels

Mer 26 Oct - 13:12
Learn more about The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) at the Level Up! festival (organised by the European Youth Forum in the European Parliament in Brussels) on the 28 and 29 October 2022.

The ECI will have its stand at the Level Up! festival and will be joined by ECI Ambassadors. Festival-goers will have the opportunity to learn about the latest citizens’ initiatives, take part in interactive learning, share ideas via activities and have their questions answered.  
First deployed in 2012, the European Citizens’ Initiative is the first tool enabling citizens from all EU countries to come together and call for legislative change at the European Union level on issues they find important. The ECI allows EU citizens to engage across borders on issues of common concern, strengthening transnational civil society and democracy.
The scope of this tool covers policy areas where the European Commission has the power to propose legal action. This includes the environment, agriculture, transport, consumer protection, social rights, and other areas that impact people’s lives.
Once an initiative has received 1 million signatures and been verified by national authorities, the College of Commissioners adopts an official reply to the initiative deciding what action to take or not, and why. More than 800 citizen organizers have started =any&STATUS[0]=ONGOING&SECTION=ALL]95 European citizens' initiatives. In total, more than 17 million signatures for initiatives have been collected from across the EU. Both organizers and signatories have used their right to bring an important issue to the EU level – to spark debate, raise awareness, and trigger policy change.  The latest validated initiative to be submitted (on 7 October 2022) to the European Commission after receiving 1 million signatures is Save Bees and Farmers towards a bee-friendly agriculture for a healthy environment. Its organisers call on the Commission to propose legal acts to phase out synthetic pesticides by 2035, to restore biodiversity, and to support farmers in the transition. The organisers will soon be invited to a meeting with the Commission and to a hearing with the European Parliament. Within 6 months the Commission should issue an official reply to this citizens’ initiative.
According to Martin Dermine, organiser of ‘Save Bees and Farmers towards a bee-friendly agriculture for a healthy environment’ initiative: “Despite the COVID pandemic and other challenges, this ECI has been the occasion to strengthen the anti-pesticides grassroots movement and raise awareness among citizens. All in all it is a tough experience but if the organisers are strong organisations and well prepared, it is a fantastic experience!”
There are currently 10 European citizens’ initiatives collecting signatures on various topics: calling for new rules on animal protection, sports, fashion, EU trade policy, or reducing impact on climate change. Four additional ones were registered in September and October, and will start collecting signatures soon. Check the website to stay updated!
More details on the European Citizens’ Initiative
To learn more about the European Citizens’ Initiative, you can listen to the CitizenCentral podcast
Discover and engage with the local ambassadors or the National Contact Points.
The Communication materials available in all EU languages: Communication material to spread the word.

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